In our second report on Stern's new The Rolling Stones game, we bring you some new pictures from the IMA show in Germany as well as two videos of the gameplay.

Stefan Ulrich took the following pictures of the game with the glass removed, which he offered to share with Pinball News readers.

The whole playfield
The whole playfield

One of the amp stacks
One of the amp stacks

The band
The band...

With Mick out front
...with Mick out front

The guitar targets
The guitar targets

The iconic lips and tongue over the right ramp
The iconic lips and tongue over the right ramp

Gary Stern with his latest game
Gary Stern with his latest game

If all these pictures have given you a desire to see the game in action, we can help you out there too thanks to Roman Kunovic who took two videos for Pinball News readers. 

Roman says the music in the game is very well implemented with Rain Fall Down as a nice background track.  The rules contain a number of features from earlier games such as Big Buck Hunter Pro, Batman and Avatar which he said might give a certain feeling of déjà vu to more experienced players, but Roman thought the game would work well on location in clubs and bars, and Stones fans will certainly like it.

Thanks to Roman and Stefan for their videos and pictures of the game, and to Peter Scheldt for his assistance.

We'll be back with much more shortly when The Rolling Stones tour hits the ExCel Centre in London for the EAG-Expo show.


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