Acronyms. Abbreviations. Call them what you will, they’re still a PITA*. They’re fine if you know what they mean – and let’s face it, nobody wants to keep typing out Creature From The Black Lagoon over and over – but for those times when you don’t know, here is the definitive guide for all the games from about 1990 to present, plus a few other relevant games, some technical terms and other stuff you might find useful. *it’s in the list! All | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X There are currently 20 Acronyms in this directory beginning with the letter D.DaCDrop-a-Card, Gottlieb, 1971DCSDigital Compression System, Williams sound system name, 1993-1999DDDr. Dude, Bally, 1990DE (1)Data East Pinball, Manufacturer, 1986-1994DE (2)Dinosaur Eggs, Alvin G, 1993DE2Dona Elvira 2, 1996, PetacoDHDirty Harry, Williams, 1995DIDialed In!, Jersey Jack Pinball, 2017DKBatman: The Dark Knight, Stern Pinball, 2008DMDemolition Man, Williams, 1994DMDDot Matrix Display, Technical term, 1991-2017DMOSDemolition Man on Steroids, Custom Demolition Man software, Pinnovating, 2011DOHOHidden reference in some Bally/Williams dot matrix display artworkDP (1)Dutch Pinball, ManufacturerDP (2)Diamond Plate, Williams/Bally playfield protective coatingDP (3)Deadpool, Stern Pinball, 2018DPMDutch Pinball Museum, Rotterdam, NetherlandsDPODutch Pinball Open, Pinball Show, NetherlandsDW (1)Doctor Who, Bally, 1992DW (2)Deadly Weapon, Gottlieb, 1990