Acronyms. Abbreviations. Call them what you will, they’re still a PITA*. They’re fine if you know what they mean – and let’s face it, nobody wants to keep typing out Creature From The Black Lagoon over and over – but for those times when you don’t know, here is the definitive guide for all the games from about 1990 to present, plus a few other relevant games, some technical terms and other stuff you might find useful. *it’s in the list! All | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X There are currently 27 Acronyms in this directory beginning with the letter P.P*P*Y*Popeye Saves The Earth, Bally, 1994P2KPinball 2000, Pinball platform, Williams, 1999PAGGPin-A-Go-Go, California pinball showPAPAProfessional and Amateur Pinball Association, Pinball organisationPBPlayboy, Stern Pinball, 2002PCPinball Circus, Bally, 1994PCBPrinted Circuit Board, Technical termPF (1)Police Force, Williams, 1989PF (2)Playfield, Technical termPF (3)Punny Factory, Pinball Adventures, 2021PHoFPinball Hall of Fame, Pinball location in Las VegasPITAPain in the Arse/Ass, Derogatory termPLDPat Lawlor Design, Pinball design companyPMPinball Magic, Capcom Pinball, 1995POAPath of Adventure, Playfield feature, Indiana Jones, Williams, 1993POSPiece Of Sh*t, Derogatory termPOTCPirates of the Caribbean, Stern Pinball, 2006POTC-JJPPirates of the Caribbean, Jersey Jack Pinball, 2018POTOPhantom of the Opera, Data East Pinball, 1990PPPistol Poker, Alvin G., 1993PPEPacific Pinball Exposition, Pinball show, 2007-2012PPMPacific Pinball Museum, Pinball location in Alameda, CaliforniaPSPool Sharks, Bally, 1990PSTEPopeye Saves The Earth, Bally, 1994PTCPunchy the Clown, Alvin G., 1993PZParty Zone, Bally, 1991PZBGPinball Zombies froim Beyond the Grave, Spooky Pinball, Not produced