Acronyms. Abbreviations. Call them what you will, they’re still a PITA*. They’re fine if you know what they mean – and let’s face it, nobody wants to keep typing out Creature From The Black Lagoon over and over – but for those times when you don’t know, here is the definitive guide for all the games from about 1990 to present, plus a few other relevant games, some technical terms and other stuff you might find useful. *it’s in the list! All | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X There are currently 32 Acronyms in this directory beginning with the letter T.T2Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Williams, 1991T3Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Stern Pinball, 2003TABAThere And Back Again, Mode in The Lord of the Rings, Stern Pinball, 1992TAFThe Addams Family, Bally, 1992TAFGThe Addams Family, Special Gold Collectors Edition, Bally, 1994TAGThunderbirds Are Go, Homepin, 2017TAPThis is Spinal Tap, Homepin, 2022TAVThe Avengers, Stern Pinball, 2013TBLThe Big Lebowski, Dutch Pinball, 2015TF (2)Title Fight, Gottlieb, 1990TFTCTales from the Crypt, Data East Pinball, 1993THThe Hobbit, Jersey Jack Pinball, 2015TISTThis Is Spinal Tap, Homepin, 2021TLAThree-Letter Acronym/AbbreviationTM (1)Time Machine, Data East Pinball, 1988TM (2)Trademark, Technical termTMNTTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Data East Pinball, 1991TMNT2Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Stern Pinball, 2020TNATotal Nuclear Annihilation, Spooky Pinball, 2017TOTeed-Off, Gottlieb, 1993TOMTheatre of Magic, Bally, 1995TOTANTales of the Arabian Nights, Williams, 1996TPDTokyo Perfect Drift, Quetzal Pinball/STR Pinball, 2018TPFTexas Pinball Festival, Pinball Show, USATRSThe Rolling Stones, Stern Pinball, 2011TS (1)The Shadow, Bally, 1994TS (2)The Sopranos, Stern Pinball, 2005TS4Toy Story 4, Jersey Jack Pinball, 2022TSPPThe Simpsons Pinball Party, Stern Pinball, 2003TTMTour The Mansion, Mode in The Addams Family, Bally, 1992TTRTransporter: The Rescue, Bally, 1989TZTwilight Zone, Bally, 1993