Date: 23rd November, 2018
Location: 1625 County Highway 10, Suite D, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432, USA

What does every good little (or big) boy and girl want for Christmas more than a fun afternoon out? Why, all the soda pop and sweets they can eat, of course! How about over one-thousand flavors of soda, along with candy from around the entire world? It’s enough sugary goodness to keep one in the holiday spirit all year long!

Can't keep track of over 1,000 flavors? That's OK, BSSSS has you covered
Can’t keep track of over 1,000 flavors? That’s OK, BSSSS has you covered

But you may want to stick to just one brand. Whistler Classic Soda is bottled on site and is the most flavorful soda you have ever tasted!

Don't believe me? Well, check this out
Don’t believe us? Well, check this out
Yep, that's soda bottling machinery right there
Yep, that’s soda bottling machinery right there

Still don’t believe us? Take a tour yourself. Tours are $5.00 per person when groups fill out to ten, or a $50.00 minimum. And, you get a bottle of Whistler soda at the end of your tour.

What are we talking about? Well, the Blue Sun Soda & Sweet Shop in Spring Lake Park, MN, USA.

Blue Sun Soda & Sweet Shop on County Highway 10
Blue Sun Soda & Sweet Shop on County Highway 10

OK, maybe we still need to come down from our sugar rush, and get to telling you why your favorite online news source is reporting on a sweets shoppe. But, first one more hit of delicious Whistler soda. That’s right, we brought some home. And candy too.

We have barely mentioned the candy. From unique to classic, they have it all!

This isn't even all the candy
This isn’t even all the candy

They have an entire “Wall of Pez”. Have you ever seen a flippen wall of Pez?

All the Pez that is the Pez that's fit to Pez!
All the Pez that is the Pez that’s fit to Pez!

Did we write “flippen”? Is that bad? Do we have to put money in the swear jar?

Luckily for me, use of the swear jar is not mandatory
Luckily for us, use of the swear jar is not mandatory

Oh yea . . . flippen . . . as in pinball; the reason you are probably reading this article.

But did we tell you about the fireworks?

Fireworks and candy and pop, oh my!

Fireworks and candy and pop, oh my!
Fireworks and candy and pop, oh my!

We can’t forget about the duck and snail big enough to ride.

Duck and snail, plus there's and elephant around here somewhere
Duck and snail, plus there’s and elephant around here somewhere

An elephant never forgets. And we won’t forget to tell you about the pinball tie-in.

But look at all . . . that . . . candy.

Candy, candy, candy!
Candy, candy, candy!

We swore we weren’t going to forget to tell you something. But what was it? Maybe another soda to refresh our memory.

Speaking of soda. Look at all that pop!

Soda, soda, soda! Soo many flavors, so little bladder
Soda, soda, soda! Soo many flavors, so little bladder

Now, what was it and where was it? Ah yes, the carbonation has invigorated our memory. There is an entire room of…

Pinball, pinball, pinball!
Pinball, pinball, pinball!
Seven pinball games along the first half way down the left side
Seven pinball games along the first half way down the left side
Five more pinball games along the second halfway down the left side
Five more pinball games along the second halfway down the left side
And yet another five more pinball games on the right side
And yet another five more pinball games on the right side

The pinball games proved more popular than the other games.

At just a quarter per game, these guys could use their miserly allowance to play many games
At just a quarter per game, these guys could use their miserly allowance to play many games

In fact, several did play many pinball games. Like a holiday stocking hung on the mantel with care, the change machine even had to be stuffed while we visited.

Neal the Soda Jerk sweetly cheesin' for the camera
Neal the Soda Jerk sweetly cheesin’ for the camera

The purpose of our trip to the Blue Sun Soda & Sweet Shop was mainly to get a case of soda for this year’s soon-upcoming holiday’s festivities.

But we will be back to Blue Sun to play their eclectic collection of older and newer pinball machines in the near future. And, of course, to enjoy more of the world’s most flavorful soda – and try other flavors too.

The entire store is cleverly decorated with such paraphernalia - maybe next time we can slow down and enjoy all the details rather than gulp it all in?
The entire store is cleverly decorated with such paraphernalia – maybe next time we can slow down and enjoy all the details rather than gulp it all in?
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One Comment

  1. Kris

    1st January, 2019 at 11:47pm

    Thank you pinballnews for the support. We are just a mom and pops trying to bring back old time fun. All the pinballs are 25¢
    Stop on by have a soda play some pinball. See you at blue sun soda shop!


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